Auburn Public School has recently begun the implemetation of the MultiLit Reading Tutor Program and the PreLit Program in order to assist our students in acquiring essential literacy skills.
Changes in Literacy Practice
MULTILIT/MiniLit/PreLit Programs:
In 2013, we have trained 3 executive staff, 2 LaST's and 15 SLSOs in the delivery of the MULTILIT Intervention Program. This has been undertaken in partnership with Guildford West PS. Professional learning has been presented to all staff with an emphasis on the use of the strategies in the classroom. The executive staff trialled this program in 2012 with Stage 2 and 3 students, who were identified as performing below stage outcomes.
All students who took part in the program were tracked via SMART Data and showed growth in the area of Reading between Years 5 and 7 after completing the program. As a result, MULTILIT is now a current sustained practice within our school. There have been 5 students who have successfully completed the program so far. Two SLSOs and the LaST are currently working with a further 11 students from 3 targeted classes based on SMART Data and in-school assessments on Reading. Class teachers have noted improved reading and writing in classroom tasks with the use of the newly learnt MULTILIT strategies.
We anticipate that with strategic timetabling, ongoing professional learning and networking opportunities, more students will access the program in 2014. The SLSOs and LaST will have collegial support in the program delivery through regular networking with the appropriate staff from Guildford West PS.
One member of executive, one Reading Recovery teacher, two targeted class teachers and two support teachers have been trained in the MiniLit Program in 2013. This program is currently being overseen by our executive and Reading Recovery teacher and trialled in two targeted classes, with additional support to ensure effective implementation. Progress of students will be tracked using pre- and post-testing and PLAN (Best Start) data for collation of growth in 2014.
In 2013, we have trained one executive member of staff and the LaST in the delivery of the PreLit program. PreLit was trialled in a selected class with additional support based on need, and is currently being implemented as a complete trial in a targeted Kindergarten class for Term 4.
Students were identified through consultation with the class teacher and a pre-test. The LaST is currently implementing this program, and it will be implemented in 2014 across all five Kindergarten classes with LaST support to complement our Jolly Phonics Program by providing a sound oral language base for all students.
Reading Tutor Program:
The Reading Tutor program is used to assist students who require help with reading accuracy. The program consists of:
- 'Word Attack' - designed to help students quickly and accurately decode words when reading,
- 'Sight Words' - teaching of the 200 most common sight words to mastery, and
- 'Reinforced Reading' - reading of real books that are age appropriate with a focus on fluency and comprehension.
For more information on the reading Tutor Program please click on the link below.