Students at Auburn Public School who make good choices are positively rewarded by all teachers.
Students who consistently follow the school expectations in the classroom can earn PBL ‘Merit' cards which are written by the class teacher and given to the student.
Students can receive a merit card for academic, social and personal reasons in both classroom and non-classroom settings. Merit cards are designed to be awarded to students achieving within the 3 school focus areas: Be Respectful, Be Safe, and Be Active Learners.
Each time a student recieves 10 blue merit cards they are collated and given to Ms Cross (3-6) or Ms Campbell (K-2).
As seen in the merit ladder when students collect 10 merit cards they recieve a small white certificate, for 20 a large white certificate, for 30 a ribbon and a photo is placed in the office hallway. Students when students collect 40 merit cards students recieve a pen, 50 a badge, 60 is a medal. Students with 70 merit cards have morning tea with Ms Borg at the end of the year.